The following names commonly found in Dundee: Benvie, Blyth, Blythe, Ellis, Ellison, Furmage, Love, Mallison, Parker, Pool, Poole, Prior, Wedderburn, Yeaman, Yeoman
1819 Key Pattern Book. #1645 is the same sett. The design is very similar to a jacket said to have been worn by (Scottish United Services Museum in Edinburgh Castle). An undated note said that John Cargill of Dundee had one of the Wilsons patttern books and wove a sample of this for Dundee Museum. The note also said, "resurrected by the Ben Nevis Handloom Weavers of Dundee." Proof of this is recently confirmed in a 1963 article by John Cargill with photos of this tartan being woven. 'Dundee New Colours' uses black instead of purple.