Ayrshire Ancient

  • Mill: HOE
  • Weight: 13 oz.
  • Known Septs Include:

    The following names commonly found in Ayrshire: Aird, Archer, Arnot, Arnott, Auchincloss, Auchinleck, Auld, Barber, Barbour, Barr, Barton, Bilsland, Blair, Bone, Borland, Boswall, Boswell, Boyd, Brebner, Bremner, Brisbane, Burn, Burnes, Burness, Caird, Carrick, Chalmers, Chrystal, Colville, Colvin, Corrie, Corry, Cree, Cunningham, Curle, Dalrymple, Dick, Dobbin, Dobbinson, Dunlop, Dunlap, Fairie, Farie, Fairley, Fairlie, Farquhar, Fullarton, Fullerton, Fulton, Gallie, Galt, George, Gilliland, Goudie, Gouldie, Hair, Hare, Halkett, Hackett, Hendrie, Hendry, Henry, Hendery, Holland, Holmes, Howe, How, Howie, Hunter, Hunt, Irvine, Irving, Irwin, Irvin, Isdale, Easdale, Izatt, Izzett, Keir, Kirkwood, Kyle, Latta, Latto, Lockhart, Logan, Longmuir, Louden, Loudon, Lyne, Lynn, MacAdam, MacCause, MacClean, MacClymont, MacCoard, MacColman, MacCord, MacCosh, MacCourt, MacCra, MacCraach, MacCree, MacCrie, MacFetridge, MacGuire, MacIllrick, MacKerrell, MacLatchie, MacLetchie, MacLorg, MacLurg, MacMurtrie, MacNider, MacPeter, MacRa, MacRach, MacRankin, MacSteven, MacTier, MacTire, MacWalter, Mauchlen, McCoard, McCord, McCordie, McCourt, McCourtie, McCourty, McCordy, Morris, Morrice, Muir, Mure, Mungall, Mungle, Neilson, Niven, Nivison, Osborn, Osborne, Oswald, Paris, Patrick, Peden, Picken, Ponton, Power, Ranken, Rankin, Rankine, Reid, Reed, Robinson, Rolland, Shedden, Sheddon, Snell, Snodgrass, Speirs, Spiers, Spence, Spens, Stein, Steen, Stevenson, Stirrat, Stirie, Templeton, Thomson, Train, Troup, Turner, Underwood, Urquhart, Wallace, Wallis, Warwick, Wilson, Winchester, Winning, Woodburn

  • Notes: Designed and copyrighted by Dr.Phillip D. Smith in 1985 for "Ayrshire folk who have no family tartan" - at suggestions of the Cunninghams and Boyds who did not want their tartans being used as "district" tartans. Although initially categorised as 'Fashion' in the absence of any documentation of 'official' acceptance, it has been re-categorised as 'District' due to common usage. The yellow represents the sunrise over Ayrshire.