Urquhart Broad Red Ancient

  • Mill: Loch
  • Weight: 11 oz.
  • Clan Motto: Meane Weil Speak Weil and Doe Weil
  • Notes:

    First recorded in the 1810 Cockburn Collection. This is the Urquhart of Urquhart tartan. Lord Lyon Book LCB 76 dated 14th October 1991. The Chief said (13 May 1981) that this was the tartan that he wore. Lord Lyon also registered the 'Urquhart White Line' in the same entry. The proportions of the count are taken from the sample in the Cockburn Collection in the Mitchell Library in Glasgow. The sett also appears in the work of W and A Smith (1850) who claim that their sample was collected in the Highlands by George Hunter, the Army clothier prior to 1822.