Brodie Hunting Ancient

  • Mill: Loch
  • Weight: 11 oz.
  • Clan Motto: Unite
  • Known Septs Include: BRODY, BRYDE, BRYDIE
  • Notes:

    A Brodie Hunting appears in J Claude 'Clans Originaux' (1880). A 'Note by a Tartan Manufacturer' in a very early edition of Johnston's 'Scottish Clans and their Tartans' says: 'The handsome tartan shown as Brodie is really the Hunting Brodie, the Brodie proper has a red ground'. D.W. Stewart noted this 'of late' tartan in 1893 and said it was based on the 'older' dress sett and commented: ' Many Brodies who belonged to the districts occupied by the Gordons, Forbes and others, wore it in early times as the district tartan and more recently in some instances adopted it as their family tartan.' This comment makes sense when it is remembered that bright tartans were known as dress tartans - long before the days when prodominantly white tartans had been 'invented'.