The following names commonly found in Aberdeen: Aitken, Aiken, Allanach, Badenoch, Bannerman, Barclay, Barnes, Barns, Barrack, Benzie, Benzies, Bird, Birse, Birss, Blackhall, Bogle, Booth, Bower, Bowers, Bowman, Brewster, Brisbane, Brogan, Brook, Brooke, Brow, Browning, Bunyan, Bunzeon, Burgess, Caie, Cay, Cantley, Cantlay, Carnie, Cassie, Catto, Chalmers, Chaplin, Chapman, Collie, Colley, Collins, Collison, Conn, Connon, Cordiner, Coull, Coulter, Cousin, Coutts, Crabb, Crabbe, Crane, Cran, Crombie, Cruden, Cruickshanks, Dalgarno, Dalton, Davie, Davey, Dennis, Don, Duguid, Ducat, Dyce, Dyas, Dyer, Edmond, Edmunds, Elder, Elmslie, Emslie, Fender, Finnie, Finney, Foggo, Fogo, Galletly, Galt, Garioch, Garrick, Garriock, Gerrie, Gellatly, Gerard, Gerrard, Greusach, Grieve, Greive, Grigor, Harrison, Harvey, Harvie, Henderson, Herdman, Hewitt, Hewat, Hill, Howatt, Howitt, Howieson, Hughson, Hutcheon, Hutchin, Hutchinson, Hutchison, Hutchon, Hutson, Imlach, Lmlah, Ironside, Jackson, Jaffrey, Jefferies, Jeffers, Jefferson, Jeffery, Jessiman, Jordan, Joss, Kay, Keay, Kelman, King, Knowles, Knox, Lane, Lang, Laurence, Ledingham, Leitch, Leetch, Leith, Liddell, Liddle, Lilburn, Lindores, Littlejohn, Lochhead, Lowson, Lumsdaine, Lunan, MacAllan, MacGuffock, MacHrayMacMichael, Mallison, Maltman, Marr, Massey, Massie, Meanie, Meaney, Meikle, Mellis, Mellish, Messer, Mill, Mills, Miln, Milne, Milnes, Moir, Mollison, Morgan, Morris, Morrice, Muckhart, Muil, Muill, Murison, Noon, Norman, Normand, Ogg, Oram, Orem, Page, Panton, Patterson, Pattinson, Peter, Peterkin, Philp, Phillip, Phillipson, Phillips, Philp, Piggot, Pigott, Pirie, Pirrie, Pont, Reid, Reed, Reidfurd, Rettie, Roche, Rock, Rodgers, Rodgie, Rogerson, Rogers, Rust, Sangster, Sang, Sclater, Scorgie, Scroggie, Sellar, Sellars, Shand, Shearer, Sheret, Sheret, Sherratt, Sheriff, Sheriffs, Shewan, Shivas, Shives, Simon, Simons, Skinner, Sleigh, Slessor, Slesser, Small, Smail, Smale, Smeall, Souness, Spark, Sparke, Still, Stone, Storey, Storrie, Stout, Stott, Strang, Strange, Straton, Stratton, Stringer, Sturrock, Third, Thorburn, Topp, Touche, Tough, Trail, Traill, Tully, Tullie, Turner, Waldie, Waddie, Walter, Walters, Warrack, Wattie, Watts, Wells, Whitecross, Will, Wills Willocks, Willox, Winton, Wintoun, Wiseman, Youngson, Yuill, Yule, Yool
USA Kilts has partnered with Clan Little Society to offer this tartan. Tartan registered as "Little of Morton Rigg". Design incorporates traditional black and white livery colours of the Border Littles, and the Wallace tartan with red (maroon). Edward Litill 1296 was a nephew of Wallace and fought alongside him. A tartan solely for members of Clan Little Society (Scotland and Worldwide), or by written permission from the Dr J.C. Little of Morton Rig, the designer (1991). This is not a clan but a family Association Tartan.