Masonic Fidelity Wool Kilted Skirt


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The traditional tartan garment for ladies, available in the Blue Masonic Fidelity tartan and made to your measurements. Ideal for formal occasions or any time.
Custom: 6 to 10 Weeks
Not Returnable
Celtic Artisan Guarantee

The Freemasons' Fidelity Tartan is for any Blue Lodge Freemason, their families and loved ones.

The design was built to embody layers of Masonic thought and allegories of the Craft. These include “as above, so below”, the trinity of Faith, Hope, & Charity, the stages of life, the Masonic funeral rites, and the allegory of Jacob’s Ladder. Dark rich blue at the edges fades to a brighter tone of blue at the center representing the Masonic journey from darkness to light. The core of the pattern is actually a visual representation of the three degrees of Freemasonry…

 - The dark blue and white outer lines of the Sett represent the Entered Apprentice Degree.

-  Moving inward, the Fellowcraft Degree is represented by the combination of light blue and black lines.

- Finally, the  central pattern of dark and light blue lines represents the Master Mason Degree.

The Freemasons' Fidelity Tartan was designed in 2023 by Ian D. Greenwood, a brother at Fidelity Lodge No.19 A.F. & A.M. in Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.

Measuring for your kilt:  We would ask that you measure carefully for our kilts.  Since these are custom made to fit the measurements provided, you will need to be sure of the exact sizing. We will not refund in the case of mistakes in measuring.  Detailed measuring instructions can be found in the "Measuring Instructions" tab.


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Waist (A or B)

First, determine where you would like the top of the kilted skirt to sit. It can be worn either at the "high waist" (around your naval... "A" in the diagram above) or "low waist" (where you wear your jeans... "B" in the diagram above). If you want to wear it at the "high waist", measure around your belly button. If you want to wear it at your "low waist" (at the height you wear your jeans), measure at that level. Please pick one or the other. That will be where the top of your kilted skirt will sit.



This measurement is taken around the very widest part of your rear end. This measurement should be taken a bit loosely.



Standing with feet about 8" to 10" apart, measure around the widest area of your thighs. Measure around both thighs, not individually.



This is measured down the side of your body from the top of where the kilt will sit (i.e. at the height where you measured your waist) straight down to about mid calf. The preferred length is VERY subjective and can be anywhere from 2 or 3 inches below the knee to almost ankle length.



If you need assistance measuring, please do not hesitate to contact us: 800.368.8633 or